Teachers toolbox
My antilogue: Formative assessment is not about checking lists but it is about enabling learning..so if we forget about summative assessment because it labels students, then we should use formative assessment which is supposed to be a completely different thing. Right? However, if we use APP and levels and boxes and green lights and stars and wishes etc..(not that they are bad of course but) don't we label them again? Perrenoud, Allal, Boyle..they all found in their own research that formative assessment is not used correctly. A vast amount of literature can be found around this subject on the net. Teachers are human beings..I have seen teachers so anxious to mark with green and yellow and pink and whatever, that they forget the whole meaning of formative assessment. And it's not their fault actually..how possible is it to have so little time and so many things to do?? who to please? the head teacher? the parents?...the students? Formative assessment is not about APP levels..those tables can not identify students' little steps..learning is about little steps..each step at a time..we should not forget about how everything works in this world..from plants to buildings to civilizations..why should we expect miracles from our students?...